Quintes Global: A Captive Operations & Solutions Company

Quintes Global

Reap Full Benefits from Dedicated Captive

Get Scale Benefits

Start with ~50 headcounts of Support Function processes in an exclusive unit and scale up to 100 or 500 headcounts, for multi-functions with full benefits and hassle-free Captive Operations

Focus on Core

Reduce Costs

Consolidate distributed locations and have lower admin costs, with 20% to 50% cost saves, upfront + year over year, and EBITDA & Cash Flow Impact

Grow Your Profits

Transform Fast

Fast Track your transformation end to end with our process expertise, people talent and tech tools. We run your captive operations and you experience the transformation, as an extension of your Business

Transform End to End

Transformation Centric Operations (TCOps)

TCOps (Transformation Centric Operations): ‘Segregated Ops Center’ for each Parent, to serve as ‘an extension of the Parent corporation’ delivering productivity saves and EBITDA impact. Each unit is referred to as DTU – Dedicated TCOps Unit. The operations have to be transformation centric, not just ‘managing’, but ‘reengineering, enhancing and aligning’ the operations with the Parent Company’s goals (TCOps)


The Management of the day-to-day operations of the TCOps will be completely under the purview of Quintes Global. As per the agreed contract, the Parent Organization will compensate Quintes Global for the services.


TCOps operations will be performed by a mix of current (parent organization) and newly hired employees – who will all be on the rolls of Quintes Global, with the parent organization continuing to have full access to everyone.


Equity Ownership of the SLE housing the TCOps will be agreed upon by Quintes Global and the Parent Organization. Irrespective of the % ownership, the parent organization will continue to have full access to the TCOps.


The TCOps will operate as a Going Concern once the Setup or Acquisition (as the case may be) has been completed. All operations will be performed as per the pre-agreed SLAs and other contractual terms signed upon.


To maintain continuity of branding, servicing and relationships, the TCOps operations and all its employees will be treated as a dedicated part of the Parent Organization from the point of view of its business, brand and culture.

QG is a venture of few pioneering leaders who have led the Business Process Management value story of India since mid 1990s, starting with American Express. The Company was established to provide transformation centric business process solutions under the Dedicated Captive (D-CapTM) model, with the objective of 'co-creating value'.

QG draws upon the rich business services experience of the Founders in respect of setting up, managing and handing over Captive Shared Services across a spectrum of support functions and industry verticals and wide variety of business process transformation and automation assignments serving some of the marquee global and Indian companies. We are also pioneers in a way to spread the power and value of Captive Shared Services within India across manufacturing and services sectors, by creating the contextual business case through talent and skill arbitrage. In that way, we are a unique organization that can combine the expertise for India Domestic as well as Offshore Centre operations.

D-CapTM Model, hence, is evolved out of the immense captive experience gained from similar such operations & expertise/ capabilities over the last 25 years. We have the vision to achieve significant growth of the organization, thereby providing relevant growth potential to the Client, Team, Partners and all other stakeholders.

Visit us at quintesglobal.com

Pranav Singh

Senior Vice President – Sales & Client Services, Quintes Global





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